
Responsive Design Tips from DrupalCon

Ah, Drupalcon. Three days of panels and BOFs, one Advomatic code sprint, and some very late nights with the Advoteam. Now I’m thrust back into the land of overflowing diaper pails and spaghetti bits everywhere that is work-from-home motherhood. But I promised myself I’d put my DrupalCon notes into a fancy blog post in the

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Top Panel Picks for DrupalCon Denver

I polled the Advostaff to find out which panels they’re most looking forward to at DrupalCon Denver. Of course the ones I’m most excited about are ones where our staff are presenting: Aaron Winborn’s session on Media with Dave Reid, Tuesday 10:45. Aaron says Media is “the module that Drupal has been waiting for; come

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Presenting on Drupal Media Module Tuesday at DrupalCon Denver

I’ll be presenting on Drupal Media Module with Dave Reid from Palantir Tuesday morning. Media is the module that Drupal has been waiting for; come find out how we are harnessing the power of fieldable final entities, and what is in store for the future. Tuesday 10:45am-11:45am Forum One Room 603 This string of letters

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Removing fields from CiviCRM

Sometimes after launching a new site our clients find that there are fields and features in CiviCRM that they don’t use. We are working with a client that wants to remove all fields and features that aren’t useful in order to simplify their user interface and make it easier to use. This includes things like

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We’re Hiring!

It’s true, now you can work for Advomatic. Apply here! Here are a few of the reasons you’ll want to: We have the best clients– they do some of the most important and innovative work in the nonprofit sector. You’ll be able to sleep at night knowing you’re working for the good guys. Your coworkers

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We Left GoDaddy. So Should You! or Why Every Nonprofit Should Care About SOPA

This month the Senate is scheduled to vote on a bill that could end the internet as we know it. If the so-called “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA), currently making its way through the House, or the “Protect Intellectual Property Act” (PIPA), awaiting a vote in the Senate, become law, corporations will have the ability

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Flowing a list view into two columns

Columns. While it may seem like a good idea to a graphic designer, the idea of newspaper-style columns strikes fear in the hearts of themers everywhere. In particular, you may run into an instance where you need a list view to be A-L in the first column, then M-Z in the second column. I’ll walk

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Build a Filterable Staff Directory in Drupal 6 or 7

Here’s a beginner-level Drupal CCK/Views site building recipe for creating a nicely filterable Staff page. After making one like this for a recent project in Drupal 6, I was both pleased and annoyed to discover how easy it is to build in Drupal 7, now that fields are in core. I’ll show you both ways

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Win a trip to Drupalcon London 2011 from Cadre Web Hosting!

Cadre Web Hosting is sending someone to Drupalcon London 2011. Will it be you? That’s right, Cadre is sending one lucky winner to London to attend Drupalcon all on our dime. Since we are Silver Sponsors this year we decided that we’d give away a conference registration along with airfare and lodging for the week

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