Presenting on Drupal Media Module Tuesday at DrupalCon Denver

I’ll be presenting on Drupal Media Module with Dave Reid from Palantir Tuesday morning. Media is the module that Drupal has been waiting for; come find out how we are harnessing the power of fieldable final entities, and what is in store for the future.

Tuesday 10:45am-11:45am
Forum One Room 603

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More than 3 years in the making, the Media module is a labor of love with more than 2 dozen active developers helping to push it forward. It makes use of the new and improved File API and stream wrappers for Drupal 7, which means that any media object, whether a local image or a remote video, is stored and accessed in the same place in the database. With the breakout project File Entity, it turns files into full fledged entities, which means that you can add fields to media, such as taxonomy tags. Come to the presentation on Tuesday morning to learn about all this and more, to see a demo of the groundbreaking “File Browser to the Internet,” and to ask your questions directly to the lead developers.