Tagged: zivtech

Media Sprint at Zivtech!

Tomorrow (January 27, 2009) we’ll be continuing the Media Sprint 2009, at the Zivtech office in Philly. Our stated goals: document the heck out of the Media module, and get a new PHP Stream Wrapper ready for it. And afterwards, at 3:30 PM EST, we’ll meet with the Drupal Dojo to teach interested folks how

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Embedded Media Field gets Thickbox Support!

The good folks at Zivtech (Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg and Jody Hamilton) have been plugging away at Embedded Media Field while I was away. It has bling now! Check out their Drupal Video page. Click on a thumbnail, go ahead. Thickbox! Here’s a screenshot, just in case you didn’t do that yet: It’s in the latest dev

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