Tagged: do it with drupal

How to do the YouTube Video Cycle!

As you might know by now, I’ll be presenting a session at Do It With Drupal on December 10. If you didn’t know, get a ticket, and then come back here! I’m currently building a YouTube clone with Drupal in my spare time. When I’m done with it all, I get to come talk with

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Media Transcriptions Roadmap

I’ve started work on the Media Transcriptions module today. This module will allow the attachment of Transcriptions (or Closed Captioning) to video and audio files. The initial version in CVS is from some work by Jonathan DeLaigle (grndlvl), who is a co-maintainer & developer of the module. For full functionality, you’ll need to wait for

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Do YouTube With Drupal

A YouTube clone? In Drupal? Of course! I was asked by the organizers of the Do It With Drupal seminar if I would like the opportunity to create a YouTube clone in Drupal and talk about that process with the community. Of course! Do It With Drupal will take place in New Orleans, from December

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