Embedded Media Field Provider Tutorial

FYI, I’m planning to do a Dojo session (using DimDim) sometime hopefully early this week around Embedded Media Field, with the following goals:

* Create a provider file for Hulu.com: This will cover the basic steps to create an include file for emfield, with a basic video provider who provides an API. As Hulu.com implements oEmbed, this will also give a brief introduction to that standard. As Hulu.com will not be included as part of the package of emfield, this will also show the expected way to provide a file outside of the base module.
* Create a provider file for IMDB. This media provider does not offer an API, so it gives a basic introduction to the difficulties involved in accommodating such a provider. Even though IMDB uses Hulu for its videos, their TOS prohibits page scraping. So any techniques covered in this portion of the demonstration are for instructional purposes only.

This live session will be for intermediate developers. It assumes you know how to build a module, and that you understand Drupal’s hook system. It will be recorded for later viewing.

Date/time and more info later.

(Cross-posted at the Drupal Dojo.)