Last year at Drupalcon LA, our team did a conference scavenger hunt based off a list of funny/unusual things we’ve encountered at Drupalcons past. We took a photo of each item for proof, and at the end of the conference, we went through our list and shared our photos. This was a good time.
This year, we’re taking it further — we’re inviting everyone at the conference to play, and, to handle that bigger group, we’ve put together an automated real-time scavenger hunt leaderboard, driven by the Twitter API and running on a hot new Drupal 8 site.
And we have prizes. Really good prizes.
How do I play?
We created a list of things to hunt for at the conference and assigned point values and a hashtag to each one. Check out the list here: #AdvoHunt Item List
If you have any ideas for items to add to the list, you can post them in the comments here or send them to us on Twitter.
1) When you see something on the list, take a photo. Please do not be creepy. Follow the Code of Conduct, take a look at the Drupal Association’s Staff & Attendee Photography Guidelines for the conference, and don’t take photos of people without their permission. Think of this as a good way to meet people and start conversations!
2) Upload your photo to Twitter using the hashtag from the list and the #AdvoHunt hashtag, and tweet it at us, like this:

Whoever acquires the most points by lunch on Day 3 of the conference wins. 🏆
How are we keeping score?
Somehow we were able to convince AdvoManagement to let us spend some time building an automated leaderboard for this, which taps into the Twitter Search API and runs on Drupal 8: #AdvoHunt Leaderboard
During the conference, you can check out the leaderboard to see your score and who’s racking up the most points. We’ll manually verify winners’ photos before awarding prizes to make sure nobody just tweets 100 photos of their feet at us. Please do not tweet 100 photos of your feet at us.
When does this start and end?
The scavenger hunt begins on the first day of the conference, Tuesday, May 10 when we tweet the list and ends at lunch on the last day of the conference, Thursday May 12. We’ll get in touch with winners over Twitter and arrange for a meet-up on Thursday to hand out prizes, or we can get your contact information and mail prizes.
What can I win?
- First prize (1): Scavenger Hunt winner shirt, Amazon gift certificate ($100), AdvoHunt button and sticker
- Second prize (1): Advomatic “mechanic” shirt, Amazon gift certificate ($50), AdvoHunt button and sticker
- Third prize (1): Amazon gift certificate ($25), AdvoHunt button and sticker
- Honorable mention (lots): AdvoHunt button and sticker
If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at advohunt@advomatic.com.
Happy hunting, and see you at Drupalcon! 👋
Image by Roger Smith