Tagged: theming

Design tips for lowering front-end costs, part two: Reducing complexity

Last week, we discussed a few ways design deliverables can be made with the goal of streamlining the front-end development process. This week, we’ll address design complexity and how to simplify things with that same goal. Assemble page designs as a collection of modular pieces that fit together, and provide notes for any edge cases

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Design tips for lowering front-end costs, part one: Deliverables

Here at Advomatic, we frequently get the chance to partner with really creative, disciplined, and talented design shops. Over the years, we’ve identified a few areas where we can be more helpful to them. We’ll try articulating the best ways to solve design problems which have an impact on the front-end development approach. Along with strategizing

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Theming Drupal 8 pages based on URL

We’ve been all heads down over here, digging in to Drupal 8. We are trying to figure out best practices for the front end, now that we are no longer building new sites in Drupal 7, and documenting as we go. It has been fun picking things up, and I’d like to try to share more

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Automating Living Style Guides in a Drupal Theme

Over the past year or so here, we’ve tried to make front-end development less painful by creating living style guides in our Drupal themes that we can use internally as a valuable resource during development, as well as externally as a client deliverable. They allow us to write consistent, reusable and efficient code that is easy to maintain over

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Style guides in Drupal

Heading into Chicago’s Midcamp, my coworker Andy and I were excited to talk to other front end developers about using style guides with Drupal. We decided to put the word out and organize a BOF (birds of a feather talk) to find our kindred front end spirits. Indeed, we found a small group of folks

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Responsive & adaptive grids with Susy, Sass & Compass in Drupal 7

Here at Advomatic we've experimented with several approaches to responsive design over the past few years. I think the "mobile first" philosophy became popular right in the nick of time. There was a point when we'd detect if the user was on a mobile device and then deliver a separate mobile theme. This meant two

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Responsive Design Tips from DrupalCon

Ah, Drupalcon. Three days of panels and BOFs, one Advomatic code sprint, and some very late nights with the Advoteam. Now I’m thrust back into the land of overflowing diaper pails and spaghetti bits everywhere that is work-from-home motherhood. But I promised myself I’d put my DrupalCon notes into a fancy blog post in the

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Top Panel Picks for DrupalCon Denver

I polled the Advostaff to find out which panels they’re most looking forward to at DrupalCon Denver. Of course the ones I’m most excited about are ones where our staff are presenting: Aaron Winborn’s session on Media with Dave Reid, Tuesday 10:45. Aaron says Media is “the module that Drupal has been waiting for; come

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Flowing a list view into two columns

Columns. While it may seem like a good idea to a graphic designer, the idea of newspaper-style columns strikes fear in the hearts of themers everywhere. In particular, you may run into an instance where you need a list view to be A-L in the first column, then M-Z in the second column. I’ll walk

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Notable changes to theming in Drupal 7

There are 50+ changes to the theme system in the move to Drupal 7 – that’s a lot to consider when upgrading your theme from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. As expected, some of the changes make theming more complex… but those changes can also free things up for you to do complex things in

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