Tagged: css

Fake it til you make it: A recipe for slanted text

In Jen Simmons’ recent presentation on modern layouts for the web, she takes down current web design conventions, and asks us to consider looking at the print world for inspiration. One such inspiration she points to is text wrapping around complex images. Why hasn’t there been more of that? Well, we haven’t been able to do it in

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Front-end Code Review Fundamentals

We’ve been thinking about code reviews lately here at Advomatic.  Fellow Advo-teammate Oliver’s previous post covered the whys of our code review process, and Sarah covered the hows when she did a overview of some tools we use regularly.  This post focuses on the front-end side, and deals more with the whats of front-end code

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Flowing a list view into two columns

Columns. While it may seem like a good idea to a graphic designer, the idea of newspaper-style columns strikes fear in the hearts of themers everywhere. In particular, you may run into an instance where you need a list view to be A-L in the first column, then M-Z in the second column. I’ll walk

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A lesson in the usefulness of CSS sprite generators

The basic premise of a sprite image is to consolidate your site’s graphics into one (or more) master image file. Then, with the magic of CSS’s background-position property, you can shift the master sprite image around and only reveal the parts you want. Like a window. Some might even say like a Sliding Door. What

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10 Tips for Theming Drupal 6 Forms

In the last month, I’ve been working on a project that requires a very custom look and feel for login/register/adding content forms, and worked what I’ve learned into a presentation. Now I’ve got a little running list of tips for whipping Drupal forms into shape. Check out the Stealther plugin. If you are theming a

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Faking imagecache for external images in Drupal

Imagecache is just one of those modules that we use on a consistent basis. There are usually many places within a complex site where the ability to crop and scale an image to a certain size comes into play. While this works great for images that you are storing on your own server, you run

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Table-free Gallery Grid View in Drupal

In my role here at Advomatic, doing Drupal Development, for the last two projects I’ve worked on, I’ve gotten requests for a surprisingly tedious layout that looks a little like this: It’s a grid of images with captions of varying length. Now, this would be a cinch with tables, I prefer to handle these with

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